The catalogue covers courses for managers, middle managers, and professionals, developed and managed in partnership with industry
specialists who use methods proven to increase learner independence in the specific industrial area.
Regulatory Sector:
Regulation 2013/402/EU: roles, responsibilities, and methods
Human Factors and Organization
Machinery Sector:
Mechanics of railway vehicles
Training Sector:
Instructor Training
Railway Operations Center Course
Company Management Sector:
The new management horizons of rail freight companies
To perform risk analysis and assessments, the European legislature, through the Railway Safety Directive and Regulation 2013/402/EU, has established principles that should be adopted. The course is aimed at people such as CEOs, managers, and skill management supervisors and workers with different roles and responsibilities, who are required to correctly apply Regulation 402 whenever a change is made and its relevance and resulting procedure must be assessed.
Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/762 introduced important changes in risk management in the railway sector.
Among these changes, it is highlighted that ‘it is essential that the railway undertakings and infrastructure managers take a systematic approach to supporting human performance and managing human and organisational factors within the safety management system’.
This aspect is closely tied to promoting a ‘positive safety culture’, whose importance is constantly reiterated in Regulation 762, which highlights the need to motivate people and be active parties in a ‘strategy to continually improve its safety culture’.
The course is aimed at CEOs, managers, and skill management supervisors and workers at railway companies and infrastructure managers, as well as consultants.
The course is aimed at managers, technicians, and railway engineering and maintenance instructors. It is organized into 11 modules regarding:
bogies, suspension, brakes, vibrations, wheel-rail interaction, assembled axles, and damage.
The course, aimed at recognized ANSFISA instructors and aspiring instructors, is designed to develop/strengthen the cross-cutting skills typical of classroom management, making the training process more effective.
Professional development course for railway dispatchers and personnel involved in train operation planning and control.
The course, held by senior consultants, is designed for managers, administrators, middle managers, and recent graduates. It is organized into four modules that can also be followed individually.