With the recognized experience of its consultants, TRAINing offers railway operators support in:
  • preparing dossiers to request or renew safety certificates, safety authorizations, or operational suitability certificates;
  • preparing dossiers to extend safety certificates to the operating area of other EU Member States;
  • risk assessment pursuant to Reg. 2013/402/EU;
  • designing and performing audits (from the annual plan to internal and/or supplier audits);
  • monitoring in compliance with the common safety methods (CSM) governed by Regulation 2012/1078/EU;
  • developing and continuously improving Safety Management Systems;
  • regulatory reorganization for interconnected and isolated railways (from gap analysis with respect to the Italian Railway Traffic Regulation to the identification of mitigation measures and definitive measures to manage and resolve nonconformities)
  • development of the operational regulations and provisions relating to the applicable regulatory framework;
  • drafting vehicle traffic standards and defining the related traffic conditions;
  • development and revision of the maintenance system for vehicle maintenance technicians.
Professional training for railway companies, infrastructure managers and isolated network operators

TRAINing takes charge of theoretical and practical training activities set out in the Skill Management System to award and maintain qualifications over time (updates and skill recovery, etc.), including
those of interest to Railway Undertakings accessing Italian interchange stations from abroad.

Railway operators who rely on TRAINing for overseeing their Skill Management System will draw numerous advantages and benefits:

  • HIGH QUALITY AT REDUCED COST: managing an internal structure involves high fixed costs, while a specialized partner can offer high quality standards for less.
  • EFFECTIVE SAFETY PROTECTION: managing training through a third party guarantees greater transparency and rigour when transferring and assessing skills.
  • SPECIALIZATION AND INNOVATION: concentrating exclusively on training those in charge of safety inthe railway industry guarantees continuous, qualified collectionof information leading to more effective risk assessment andmanagement.
  • HIGHLY QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS AND CONSULTANTS: among the most appreciated nationally and internationally for theirauthority and experience.